Saturday May 20th
This man was so sick he said he had no strength in his body and could not even walk properly, and he needed assistance to come to the crusade ground. But the Lord touched him he was fully restored and showed this on stage by moving freely with energy!

This man had pain in his legs, and he couldn’t walk. How long did you have the problem? 2 years. What could he do that he couldn’t do before? He can walk and run across the stage!!

This lady came to testify. What was her problem? She had had a stroke. She was always sleeping. She had pain on the hip for 5 years. We asked her what could she do now that she couldn’t do before? She showed up!. She could bend down!! The pain had completely gone!!

Her problem: She couldn’t see. She had been suffering from Diabetes and high blood pressure. What could she do that she couldn’t do before? Now she can see! She was dancing and running across the stage! She could see Evg Julian holding up fingers!!

A middle-aged man called Albert came forward What was his problem? He had seizures. He couldn’t even stand up straight and strong. He couldn’t see properly.
We asked, ‘How long did he have the problem?’ He said it started in 2006 – almost 17 years ago. We asked What the Lord Jesus had done for him? The seizures have stopped! Since the time he started coming to the crusade the seizures have stopped! He couldn’t even stand before. He could now see people in the crowd! Praise God!

A senior lady called Lydia came forward to testify for healing. What was her problem? She couldn’t not smell for 20 years!!!! We asked what can you do now that you couldn’t do before? She can smell! She could smell rubber and other things!!

Chism Louisey came forward. What was her problem? After she gave birth, she said she had pain for a long time. and she couldn’t sleep. She did not have her menses for 5 years since 2018 -until 05 yesterday morning! We asked what can you do now that you couldn’t do before? The pain has left and so she can sleep! She can now have children again!